Add to the Coin and Collector Index
Get Listed
This is the opportunity you and your collection have been waiting for. If you want to buy,
sell or trade coins then you just can't miss this one. To join simply fill out this new form
with your E-mail address or web site address, your information, and comments.
For $1 you will be listed a minum of one year (mail your payment to the address below).
You can be listed FREE when you order a Coin web page (see below).
That's all you have to do to be set to get requests from all over the world.
Get a Web Page
Need a web page to advertise on but don't know how to make one?
Here's the solution. I will create and host your web page profecinally and even
help advertise it. The page can include links, graphics, coin lists, your contact
information and just about whatever else you would like to include. Your total
price for this sevice is $2 for limited time. These pages are flexable and I can
make almost anything you want. I have done a considerable amount of profesinal
web delopment and have gained a large amount of experience in this field.
To see some of my work visit and
Sign up for your web page today.
Please make all checks payable to Joseph Billings. Send cash at your own
risk. First come first serve.
Send Payment to:
Joseph Billings, 401 West Grand St., Gallatin, MO 64640
Remember the Internet is much like life, whatever you make it. 8^)
If you have any questions feel free to send E-mail to me.

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